WebNews ToDo List
Mailing Lists
Here are some possible future improvements to WebNews.
- Add threading.
- Modularize. It should be easy to break WebNews up into two or three
modules, and have the .cgi just instantiate and call them.
- Make it easy to install from CPAN. Ideally, something like
-MWebNews -e install
should suffice to install a working WebNews
distribution, once you have installed the modules. Also need to pay attention
to making it easy to upgrade.
- Let some kind of database backend be an option -- either via DBI, or
via AnyDBM_File. These would help speed up the program by limiting the need to
use the filesystem and locks.
- Let users be able to add their own headers.
- Keep per-user preferences: name, address, etc. (Only per-user preferences
kept now are newsrc files, but it should not be too hard to generalize.) Keep
this in mind when designing database schemata.
- Package documentation up with each release, so that users don't necessarily
have to refer to the Web version exclusively.
- Profile webnews.cgi and see what are some more hotspots in the code that
could be optimized.
- If there is a good way to deal with compilation overhead, we should use
it: probably this means going to the zillions of tiny perl scripts model like
Bugzilla did. It is worth benchmarking WebNews in mod_perl vs. perlcc
vs. regular CGI, though, because breaking up webnews.cgi would amount
to a major rewrite.
Last modified: Sunday, 02-Jan-2005 22:50:25 PST
Maintained by Brian R. Gaeke