Name: 'Evil Pikachu' 'lord Pikachu' 'Pikacthulhu'
Age: ???
Height: Same as any other Pikachu
Weight: Ditto
Blood Type: Evil
Back Story:
The evil Mastermind behind the seizure incident. His true origins remain a mystery. He is also the evil force behind Hanson, Teletubbies, Chuck E. Cheese, and posibly Furby. The Cid Wars saga details some of his evil plots. He has currently set his sights on the destruction of pokéboard for their crime of "deriving pleasure from pokémon without paying homage to the dark ruler of them all."
Special Moves: (No controler seqence is given, since no one knows how to play as Pikacthulhu yet)
Epilepsy Flash:
A red beam fires from Pikacthulhu's eyes, damaging and stunning enemies.
Dark Thundershock:
Pikacthulhu gives off a powerful electric field, repelling those who dare come near.
Ebay Mob:
Pikacthulhu throws a Furby at his rival. If they fail to block it, they will catch it and be trampled by a mob of psychotic shoppers.
Tubbie Blade:
A Teletubbie falls from the ceiling carrying a knife. If it hits, you will be knocked down, and the Tubbie will stand over you and shout "Again! Again!"
Pikacthulhu performs the world-remowned "pikalaugh"
Ultimate Super Attacks:
Red eyes of death:
More or less a beam attack that acts as a lenghtened version of epilepsy flash.
Tubbie Sacrifice:
A Teletubbie runs at you, if you block succesfuly, you're fine, but if you fail, all four Tubbies mob you with big pointy knives and Pikacthulhu gains whatever life you lose.
Fatality #1:
The scene changes to Pikacthulhu's temple of doom where the Teletubbies sacrifice Vicks, Wedge, and his opponent to Pikacthulhu in a rather violent way, while Pikacthulhu laughs his (pidgey) off in that malevolent way.
Fatality #2:
Pikacthlulhu summons a mass of Kudzu which strangles and
eventually beheads his opponent.
Pikacthulhu signs his opponent up for the Pikacthulhu newletter and lets the rival into the PNRC, promising not to maim or torture that person when he conquers the world.
Turns opponent into a pikachu to serve under him.