This is but a brief summary of the history of the Great Pi'ka-Chu.

The Pok'ketto Monsutazu

For millions of years we, like many of the younger species in the Universe, have been watched.

Our evolution has been guided and shaped by the hand of the Pok'ketto Monsutazu, a benevolent race whose powerful arm stretched throughout known space. Rarely did they set foot upon the worlds they shepherd, and rarely have they been seen by their benefactors. Theirs was a code of indirect intervention, ensuring the success of life on all worlds.

They were at peace with all Creation, save for one race. Since the Beginning of Time, the presence of Evil has been felt throughout the Universe. They are incarnate in one of the oldest races in the Universe: the Pi'ka. Merciless and brutal, theirs is the way of Chaos. All worlds they have touched have been burnt into ruin; desolation and terror lies in their wake. Those that hear their terrible battle cry "Pi'kaaaaaaa!" know that their lives are soon coming to an end. For as long as History can account, the Monsutazu and the Pi'ka have been at war.

Thousands of years ago, the Pi'ka invaded the homeworld of the Monsutazu and enslaved its population. For centuries the Pi'ka ruled the Monsutazu with an iron fist, forcing them to perform horrific and debasing tasks. During this time all Creation was in Chaos as the Pi'ka roamed freely, rending and tearing all they could touch.

The Monsutazu were not content to remain slaves, however, and they rose up against their captors. Thus began the War of the Masters.

The War of the Masters

The Monsutazu rebelled against the Great Pi'ka, Pi'ka-Gyu Stonecrusher. Taking back their homeland, the Monsutazu drove out the Pi'ka and slaughtered their leader Pi'ka-Gyu. Dismayed, the Pi'ka, now led by Pi'ka-Tsu, left the Monsutazu homeworld but kept the planet blockaded, hoping to starve the Monsutazu into submission. Their adversaries were not as easily stopped as the blockade was broken by a brave team of Monsutazu. Relentlessly the Monsutazu chased the Pi'ka out of their dominion for a thousand years, fighting all the way to the Pi'ka homeworld, T'en-donin. There the Pi'ka made their last stand, led by Pi'ka-Riu Starhammer. The Dark Army of the Pi'ka slaughtered many Monsutazu, but eventually they were overrun, and Pi'ka-Riu was slain.

The Exile of the Pi'ka and the Coming of the Trenir

The last of the Pi'ka escaped: Pi'ka-Chu son of Pi'ka-Tsu of the line Pi'ka-Thulhu. This last Pi'ka was a Trueborn of the First of the Pi'ka, Pi'ka-Thulhu, and it was said that there was no Pi'ka in all of history that was his like. Indeed, some of the Pi'ka whispered that Pi'ka-Chu was the Great Pi'ka-Thulhu returned from the Void. All who looked upon him feared him; even the most fearsome of the Pi'ka withered at his gaze, for he wielded the power of the skies in his claws and his swift wrath was legendary. No Monsutazu could withstand the onslaught of this, the Darkest of the Dark Lords; those that stood in his way were annihilated in an instant without thought.

But against the full might of the Monsutazu even Pi'ka-Chu could not prevail, and he was exiled from his home. For an eternity he was chased from world to world, but he could not be captured. The Monsutazu knew they could not keep up the hunt, as their numbers were decimated, and they could not divert enough of their resources to the capture of the Last Dark Lord. And so, after billions of years of non-interference, the Monsutazu secretly descended upon the worlds they cared for and began to train their peoples in the White Arts. From each world less than a dozen specially talented beings were selected and shown the secret ways of battling the Great Enemy. These now-powerful beings were given the Holy Artifacts of the Pok'ketto Monsutazu: the Blessed Pok'ké Orbs of Monsutazu. Thus was created the Order of the Trenir, who were sent out to capture the One Who Had Escaped, the Great Pi'ka-Chu Stormmaster.

The Corruption of the Trenir and the Fall of the Monsutazu

And so Pi'ka-Chu was hunted ever on by the servants of the Monsutazu, the Trenir. But the Last of the Dark Lords proved difficult to catch; he was able to elude them for many thousands of years. At last he was captured by a valiant team of Trenir, led by the brilliant young Treni Ash. In a battle that scorched several star systems, the spirit of the Great Pi'ka-Chu was imprisoned inside Ash's Blessed Pok'ké Orb and transported to the Great Hall of the Monsutazu. There Pi'ka-Chu was judged and banished to the distant planet Earth. His powers and form were diminished and he was sentenced to imprisonment upon the tiny planet.

The Trenir who defeated the Great Pi'ka were tasked with the transport and guard of the Last Dark Lord on the planet Earth, and they stood watch over the now weakened Pi'ka for many years. But Pi'ka-Chu was not idle. For though his powers and his form were diminished, his hatred and wrath grew, and he sought dominion over his captors. Slowly, over the ages, he began to corrupt the sacred Pok'ké Orb of the Treni Ash. Before long, he had taken control of the minds of the Trenir Ash and Mys'ti and could bend their will to his purpose.

He sent out a distress call in the guise of the Trenir to the homeworld of the Monsutazu. They came to his aid, but when they arrived on Earth they discovered the ruse. It was, unfortunately, too late, and the Monsutazu were captured within their own sacred Pok'ké Orbs. Those Monsutazu that Pi'ka-Chu defeated were corrupted, and they became his servants, the dreaded Pok'ké-Mon.

Now the Monsutazu are all but destroyed. What few scattered groups remain hide from the powerful arm of the Pi'ka-Chu and his minions, the Pok'ké-Mon and the Trenir. Who now dares to stand before the might of the Evil One, the Destroyer of Worlds, the Bringer of Tears, Pi'ka-Chu Stormmaster?